Egyptian works of art
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Quartzite statue of a high official
Egyptian granite statue of Hathor
Head of Amenhotep III
Sandstone head of King Amenhotep III
Egyptian limestone statue of Thutmose III
Egyptian figurine of Toth made of white faience
Granite head of Ramses II
Egyptian limestone relief depicting Horus
Greek Roman head of a woman
Egyptian granite head of a priest
Egyptian sandstone relief depicting King Akhenaten
2 Egyptian Anubis depicted as a jackal
Egyptian Ibis made of bronze and marble
Egyptian Ibis made of bronze and wood
Egyptian granite relief depicting Sekhmet
Egyptian red granite Horus falcon
Egyptian granite Ushabti
Egyptian statue of a young prince
Egyptian statue of Meritamun
Egyptian limestone statuette of a seated high priest
Egyptian limestone figurine of an overseer
Egyptian limestone head of Sekhmet
Egyptian block statue
Egyptian Djed pillar of glazed steatite
Egyptian bronze Bastet cat
Egyptian bronze Bastet cat and Ibis
Egyptian Bastet cat and Bes figurine
Egyptian alabaster mask
3 Egyptian Wadjet eyes of horus
Red granite head of Amenhotep III
Large granite crocodile Sobek
Egyptian wood panel
Faience sphinx or Amenhotep III
Large red Aswan granite Horus Falcon
Limestone donkey
Statue of a head depicting Khonsu
Ibis of bronze and wood
Basalt statue of Horus
Wooden painted fragment
Faience winged scarab
Faience hippopotamus
Head of a statue of Amenemhat III
Faience head of god Khnum
Faience vase decorated with gazelles
Granite Head of Queen Tiye
3 faience amulets
Red Aswan granite head of a king
Faience vase in Amarna style
Faience plate in Amarna style
Schist Horus falcon on wooden base
Egyptian basalt statue of Egyptian king Horemheb
Terracotta statue of a ram-headed sphinx
Limestone statue of a bull
Granite statue of Thutmose III
Faience figurine of a hippopotamus
2 faience figurines depicting Bes
Bronze cat depicting Bastet
Granite relief of King Tuthmosis III
Ibis made of bronze and wood
An Egyptian painted wooden head
Bronze statuette of Bastet
Alabaster Ibex
Granite Thoth
Large granite statue
Relief of Thutmose III
Red granite head of King Taharqa
Painted limestone head of Khnum
Sandstone head of Amenhotep III
Granite seated statue of king Menkaura
Granite Horus falcon
Quartzite head